The Sapphic Romance Package is a simple and affordable introduction service that also gives you access to our dating communities.  This post will walk you through the process of selecting and hiring your romance coordinator.  Romance Coordinators are sapphics who have deep ties to the community. They know lots of sapphics and enjoy connecting people. Learn more in the article The Role of the Romance Coordinator.

How to Start the Process

Step 1: Build Your Team

You select your romance team by looking at their bios, their strengths and their specializations. Remember, you can hire as many sapphics are you want to create just the right team.

Step 2: Develop Your Profile

This post links to your profile form. It is the start of the process and the conversation. Everything you share is held in confidence, except the information that is marked “Approved for Introduction Purposes”.  The more complete, the more productive the time you will have with your coordinator.

Step 3: Meet with Coordinators

Schedule an appointment to meet with your romance team for your first meeting. During the meeting, your team will review your profile and will make suggestions for improvements. One section of the profile questionnaire is a place where you indicate information that can be shared. We respect your privacy so the only information we can give out, is controlled by you.

Step 4: Make Adjustments and Improvements

As we get you ready for what comes next, we will make suggestions for improvements or to make further inquiries. One conversation is not enough. We will encourage you to have photos taken and will negotiate with a locale photographer on your behalf.

Step 5:  We Make Introductions

Our goal is to begin making introduction within the first three months. During this time period, you will be enrolled in all our communities. You will be invited to participate on the weekends in the lounges and enrolled in the Academy.

Access Your Sapphic Romance Package